Wisława Szymborska
Persons, originating from Poland

Wisława Szymborska
Born July 2, 1923, in Bnin (now a district of Kórnik), Poland
Died February 1, 2012 in Kraków
Szymborska is a Polish poet, essayist and translator. She is the 1996 laureate of the Noble Literature Prize and several other notable awards. In Poland, her books reach sales rivaling prominent prose authors.

Szymborska's reputation rests on a relatively small body of work: she has not published more than 250 poems. As a person, she is often described as modest to the point of shyness. Long cherished by her Polish literary contemporaries (including Czesław Miłosz), Szymborska became better known internationally after her 1996 Nobel Prize. Szymborska's work has been translated into many European languages, as well as into Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese and Chinese.
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Polonica stamps:
Serbia 2023, 14 XII
Sweden 2000, 07 X
Zambia 2002, 11 II